So at the beginning of this week I tried to take a few ideas that I had pursued last week and refine them further and test out another idea:

What I learned was what I'd been told already both by Chris Pullman and a few others in small critique. The conversation seems more like a binary, and with the quote you can particularly see how it gets confusing. While with the key words it's really nice I can work the name it, not much is said by it. Near the end, with the multitude of thought bubbles and shifting hues seemed to be more expressive of the group.
So after talking with Erica for a bit, I started working on some new iterations, focusing on color, conversation, multitude, and networks:
I find these to be a lot more meaningful, it's more playful, more visually engaging, less rigid. I'm using the same style of tagline in both, both I still haven't settled on that. It's been evolving in response to the criticism I've had.

I also have to admit, it's kind of interest how indirectly influenced I was by the poster I did for the faculty exhibition:

All these thoughts about connectivity and overlap were circling through my head and weighed heavy when I created it. So maybe, I should instead say the faculty poster was influenced a lot by IP.
What Next
I'm not quite done with stuff for Tuesday. Erica had a really good suggestion about how maybe these word bubbles from different sections can play with one another, where the yellow turns to green, and the red to purple, etc. I also want to do another 13" x 19" with different tagline ideas. The descriptive route seems to be working more. But with a few more iterations I'm going to try to have 8–10 things to show on Tuesday to get feedback on.
How I Spent My Time
These past few weeks I've just tried my best to approach the problem from a different, more playful, more open direction. I've been trying to worry less about the level of refinement and just trying to put forth different ideas. I'm finding though, that a level of unrefinement might actually be valuable.
I also spent some time looking through my paper, since turning it in I'd really done nothing with it. I realize we are supposed to shoot for five pages, but the writing tutor was constantly telling me not to be afraid to expand and elaborate—I'd realized large passages I'd cut were actually quite useful. I'm just going to write more for the second draft, if it turns out to be ten pages, so be it. I feel like I need the room to really rigorously discuss my influences and how I found things weren't working. But, that's a couple weeks off, trying not to worry about it quite yet.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see the looser iterations on the bottom of this post and looking forward to seeing work tomorrow. I would encourage you to be even more open. Are the bubbles talking in dialogue? Or just overlapping / talking past each other? While th color is fun, it is not realistic for all applications -- make sure your forms / composition are doing some of the heavy lifting as well. You want to be sure things still work in black and white.
I vote for Write Policy over Create....